A week in security (January 22 – January 28)
Last week on Labs, we analyzed a rogue app outbreak on Twitter, took a look at how Singapore’s government is faring with network defense, and rolled out our 2017 State of Malware report. We also became visionaries in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant report and explored a VR data mishap.
Other news
- Man jailed for mass email compromise. (source: Justice.gov)
- You have 10 days to save your company. The clock is ticking. (source: The Register)
- Ransomware that rewards payments with…more malware. (source: ZDNet)
- Human trafficking victims forced to take part in web scams. (Help Net Security)
- Mobile point of sale gets a PCI security standard [PDF]. (source: pcisecuritystandards(dot)org)
- Coinhive mining in Youtube adverts. (source: The Register)
- Spyware is up and ransomware is down (courtesy of Labs’ State of Malware report). (source: SC Magazine)
- New research released on Bitcoins and anonymity. [PDF] (source: arxiv(dot)org)
- Two factor authentication on Reddit? Yes please. (source: Reddit)
- Travel and hospitality industries under fire from hackers. (source: Help Net Security)
Finally, a tip of the hat and a shout out to the very awesome Hasherezade, who’s been included on a Forbes Europe list of 30 under 30—a fantastic achievement!
Stay safe, everyone!
The post A week in security (January 22 – January 28) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.
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