
Se afișează postări din august, 2017

Tesla Email Scam

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

ADWCleaner is not a valid windows32 application; internet blocked and high CPU

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

AVG Quarantined something, what else do I need to do?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Spambot Contains ‘Mind-Boggling’ Amount of Email, SMTP Credentials

Researchers accessed the Onliner spambot and found 711 million records, including email addresses, email and password combinations, and SMTP credentials and configuration files. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Windows 10 has been infected and i need help, please!

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Am I infected with PUP Adware.Heuristic

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Windows Server Warning and Zeus Virus??

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

is my router infected ?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

is my router infected ?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Session Hijacking Bug Exposed GitLab Users Private Tokens

GitLab, the popular web-based Git repository manager, fixed a vulnerability recently that could have opened its users up to session hijacking attacks. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

RIG exploit kit distributes Princess Ransomware

We have identified a new drive-by download campaign that distributes the Princess Ransomware, leveraging compromised websites and the RIG exploit kit. This is somewhat of a change for those tracking malvertising campaigns and their payloads. We had analyzed the Princess Ransomware last November and pointed out that despite similarities with Cerber’s onion page, the actual code was much different. A new payment page seemed to have been seen in underground forums and is now being used with attacks in the wild. From hacked site to RIG EK We are not so accustomed to witnessing compromised websites pushing exploit kits these days. Indeed, some campaigns have been replaced with tech support scams instead and overall most drive-by activity comes from legitimate publishers and malvertising. Yet, here we observed an iframe injection which redirected from the hacked site to a temporary gate distinct from the well-known “Seamless gate” which has been dropping copious amounts of the Ramn...

Bugs in Arris Modems Distributed by AT&T Vulnerable to Trivial Attacks

Trivially exploitable vulnerabilities in several Arris home modems, routers and gateways distributed to consumers and small businesses through AT&T’s U-verse service have been discovered. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

FDA Recalls 465K Pacemakers Tied to MedSec Research

Abbott Laboratories releases software fixes for pacemakers that could allow an attacker to wirelessly access the devices and steal personal data, drain the battery and disrupt normal life-sustaining operations. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Can't access ONE particular website

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Issue with my WebBrowser and unwanted folders are being created

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Intel Confirms Its Much-Loathed ME Feature Has A Kill Switch

A previously undocumented kill switch for a remote management feature baked into many Intel chips can be switched off. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Issue with my WebBrowser and unwanted folders are being created

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Turla APT Used WhiteBear Espionage Tools Against Defense Industry, Embassies

The Turla APT's WhiteBear toolset was used to attack defense organizations as recently as June, and diplomatic targets in Europe, Asia and South America during most of 2016. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Certificate Authority Authorization Checking: What is it, and why should you care?

Impact of CAA on Certificate Issuance Publish to Facebook:  No Certificate Authority Authorization checking: what is it, and why should you care? The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) ecosystem relies on root certificates issued by various certification authorities (CAs) like Symantec. This is what browsers use to decide which websites can be trusted, and which ones are not trusted. Up to now, any CA can issue a TLS certificate for any domain. That’s how the system works, and it’s good in the sense that it gives website owners and operators options to change CAs at their discretion. The downside to this is that certificate issuance can happen without the knowledge of website operators, either by mistake or intentionally by malicious actors. A number of technologies have been created in an attempt to highlight instances of “unknown” issuance, such as Certificate Transparency . These have been effective in making the internet a safer, more trustworthy place but they are ...

Malware vaccination tricks: blue pills or red pills

First, let me explain what I mean by malware vaccination tricks. Most of you will have heard about some of these. Vaccination tricks are in fact techniques that use safety checks done by malware against that same malware. The malware checks for the presence of certain files or registry keys as a sign that the machine should not be infected. And users make sure those keys or files are present as a security measure. Examples of safety checks A lot of malware contains routines to check whether it is running on a Virtual Machine (VM), sandbox or with a debugger. They do this to avoid being detected by many of the automated systems the AV industry uses to deal with the large numbers of malware that surface every second of the day. Some malware check the default language installed on the affected system or the keyboard language. They do this because they shy away from infecting systems in certain countries, or quite the opposite because they target certain countries . Certain types of...

Ferrandino & Son Secure AWS Assets with Cloud Workload Protection

Achieve Single Console Management with Scalability and Cost Savings Publish to Facebook:  No Boasting a client-supported portfolio of more than 50,000 locations across all 50 states, Ferrandino & Son is the nation’s leading service supply chain management company. Maintaining and administering their far-flung and diverse operations necessitates the collection, processing, and storage of sensitive client and corporate data, including both financial and personally identifiable information (PII). Seeking cost savings, easy scalability, and simplification of their data centers, Ferrandino & Son decided to outsource the majority of their IT infrastructure, including their production database server farm and content delivery servers, to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Officially launching in 2006, AWS now leads the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) marketplace, providing on-demand compute, storage, and networking services to more than one million active customers across 1...

New Locky Variant ‘IKARUSdilapidated’ Strikes Again

For a second time this month, a Locky ransomware variant called IKARUSdilapidated is part of a calculated phishing attack targeting office workers with fake scanned image attachments. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Siemens Fixes Session Hijacking Bug in LOGO!, Warns of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Siemens fixed a session hijacking vulnerability in its LOGO! logic module Wednesday but says a second issue, one that could help facilitate a man-in-the-middle attack, has no fix currently. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Safeguarding a Smooth Transition

Spambot Contains ‘Mind-Boggling’ Amount of Email, SMTP Credentials

Researchers accessed the Onliner spambot and found 711 million records, including email addresses, email and password combinations, and SMTP credentials and configuration files. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

AVG Quarantined something, what else do I need to do?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Businesses most at risk from new breed of ransomware

The ransomware landscape has shifted dramatically in 2017 and organizations bore the brunt of the damage caused by new, self-propagating threats such as WannaCry and Petya. Read More from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Windows 10 has been infected and i need help, please!

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Am I infected with PUP Adware.Heuristic

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Avast and AVG score 100% in Real-World Test

When AV-Comparatives conducted an independent study of leading cybersecurity brands this past July, both Avast and AVG free antivirus products received top marks in detecting all threats each with a detection rate of 100%. Our technology is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). With over 400 million sensors feeding us big data, we use machine learning to stay on top of the most evolved malware. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

AV Randomly turns off

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

NHS Lanarkshire Apologizes After Malware Attack

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Cross Post Blogs:  Products and Solutions Background Image on Blogs "Quilted" Page:  tipp-s.jpg Publish to Facebook:  No サイバーセキュリティ上の課題は、容易に解決できるものではありません。ひとえに、あまりに複雑で規模も大きいからです。追いつ追われつの果てしないセキュリティ競争を背景に、過去 5 年から 10 年の間だけでも 100 億ドル台を軽く超える資金が費やされ、1,000 社以上の技術系スタートアップが誕生しました。ベンチャーキャピタル資金が次々とつぎ込まれ、予防、検出、インシデント対応、そして SecOps におけるイノベーションが絶えず出現しています。 シマンテックのようなサイバーセキュリティプラットフォーム企業も、イノベーションは展開しています。しかし、各社が集まった広大で創造的なコミュニティが、一丸となってサイバー犯罪に立ち向かうことにも、大きい意義があります。 こうしたエコシステム全体の協力態勢と創造性を強化するために、シマンテックは TIPP(Technology Integration Partner Program) という新しい構想を発表しました。小規模なスタートアップから歴史の長いセキュリティ会社まで、サイバー犯罪の根絶に協力していただけるサイバーセキュリティ企業を広く募っております。ご応募については、 までご連絡ください。 パートナープログラムはすでに数多く存在しますが、シマンテックはパートナーシップをめぐる技術的な側面を重視することにしました。セキュリティに変化をもたらすうえで、それが唯一最も重要な側面だからです。実質的な効果をあげるには、業界全体でデータフィードの統合を目指す、保護プラットフォームを結合する、最新の検出スイートを相互に利用する、そしてワークフローを自動化して生産性を改善することが欠かせません。シマンテックのプラットフォームに合流してくださるテクノロジー系企業が増えるほど、TIPP で得られるメリットも多くなります。技術系ベンダーの方はぜひ、同プログラムについて、 こちらをご覧...


Publish to Facebook:  No 銀行がサイバー犯罪から身を守るのは、容易なことではありません。銀行を業務停止に追い込もうと躍起になっているハッカーを相手にするのは、なおのこと骨が折れます。サイバー犯罪者に勝つために、銀行にはかなり強力なセキュリティが必要です。 2012 年、スペインは深刻な経済危機に陥りました。欧州連合は、1,000 億ユーロ(1,250 億米ドル)の財政支援を決定しましたが、そのとき提示された条件のひとつは、スペインが「バッドバンク」を設立することでした。「バッドバンク」とは、不良債権を買い取り、経営難に苦しむ国内の銀行の経営立て直しを図るための銀行です。 そこでスペインが設立したのが Sareb でした。Sareb は、不動産価格の暴落によって破綻の危機に瀕していた銀行から、不良不動産と不良融資を買い取るというミッションに乗り出します。Sareb はほぼ 20 万件、総額 540 億米ドル相当の資産を買い取りました。次の段階は、優先順位を付けて資産を選別し、救済可能な資産を市場に戻すことです。 これでもう大丈夫、とはいきませんでした。スペイン市民の一部が、経営難に陥っている銀行の緊急援助を非難し始めたからです。そして、標的の出現を常に待ち構えているハッカーも、Sareb に狙いを定めます。大がかりなゼロデイ攻撃や、CryptoLocker を使ったランサムウェア攻撃がしかけられました。「Sareb Go」という悪質なアプリ(「Pokemon Go」にちなんだ名前です)まで作られ、ハッカーたちは無理矢理 Sareb の資産を奪い取ろうとしました。 Sareb にはセキュリティの防備がほとんどなく、ファイアウォールも、データ漏えい防止も、脅威対策もありませんでした。強力なセキュリティインフラストラクチャが必要です。しかも、資産の弁済スケジュールが厳格である以上、整備は急務でした。 Sareb は、すかさず上層部で意思決定を下し、シマンテックと、実装パートナーである Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE)を頼ります。両社によって、エンドポイントとメールゲートウェイの万全なソリューションが配備されました。 これでミッション完了です。Sareb は、疑わしい事象があれば調査・解明で...

Endpoint Protection .Cloud: オンプレミス Active Directory から複数のユーザーを追加

PowerShell の便利な応用サンプルをご紹介します。 Background Image on Blogs "Quilted" Page:  iStock-508836384.jpg Publish to Facebook:  No ご存じのように、先日、ユーザー登録の際にユーザーの CSV または XLSX ファイルを Endpoint Cloud にインポートする機能が追加されました。 それに伴って、オンプレミス AD(Active Directory)の管理者には、そのファイルを作成する義務が発生しています。そこで筆者は、AD ユーザーを CSV ファイルに出力できる Powershell スクリプトがないかどうか調べ、ちょうどいいサンプルを見つけました。 もちろん、パス(2 カ所)、ターゲットサーバー、データ取得元の OU は書き換えが必要です (OU は組み込みの "Users" を使うの、OU= ではなく CN= を使ってください)。 また、取得するフィールドとその名前も変更する必要があります。筆者の場合、各フィールドは次のとおりです。 $AllADUsers | Select-Object @{Label = "Email";Expression = {$_.Mail}}, @{Label = "FirstName";Expression = {$_.GivenName}}, @{Label = "LastName";Expression = {$_.Surname}}, @{Label = "Phone";Expression = {$_.telephoneNumber}}| ここから、ポータルでダウンロードした CSV ファイルに、必要なユーザーをコピーして貼り付け、インポートすれば完了です。 【参考訳】 from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Avast and AVG score 100% in Real-World Test

When AV-Comparatives conducted an independent study of leading cybersecurity brands this past July, both Avast and AVG free antivirus products received top marks in detecting all threats each with a detection rate of 100%. Our technology is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). With over 400 million sensors feeding us big data, we use machine learning to stay on top of the most evolved malware. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Google Reminding Admins HTTP Pages Will Be Marked ‘Not Secure’ in October

Google began sending out notices to site owners this month who haven't yet migrated from HTTP to HTTPS warning them that in October their sites will be marked "NOT SECURE." from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Researchers Figure Out How to Blind ISPs from Smart Home Device Traffic

Researchers have come up with a way to blind ISPs and attackers in a man-in-the-middle position to network traffic emanating from smart home devices. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Revamped Nukebot Malware Changes Targets, Adds Functions

Researchers warn a retooled ‘Jimmy’ Nukebot no longer steals bankcard data, rather focuses on avoiding detection as it downloads malicious modules. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

419 spam: 10 million US dollars, courtesy of “Rev. Goodluck Ebola”

I’m not saying an email claiming to be from the “Central Bank of Nigeria” with a contact handler named “Rev. Goodluck Ebola” will raise too many red flags, but… Click to Enlarge CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Zaria Street, Off Samuel Akintola Street,Garki 11, Garki-Abuja. Our Ref: FGN/CBN/NIG/01/2017. Your Ref…………………………. From The Desk Of Mr. Godwin Emefiele. Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) SUBJECT: Dear Valued Customer. Dear Friend, We wish to inform you that your unclaimed payment of USD$10.5 Million in Africa has been released and ready to be paid to you via PREPAID VISA CARD which you will use to withdraw the US$10.5 Million from any ATM Machine in any part of the world. We have mandated UBA financial advicers Ghana, to send you the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER which you will use to withdraw all your US$10.5Million Dollars in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum you can withdraw in a day is US$20,000.00 Only. You are th...

Telnet Credential Leak Reinforces Bleak State of IoT Security

The disclosure and recent analysis of thousands of leaked telnet credentials paints a bleak picture of the state of IoT security. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

False positive or not?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

DJI Launches Drone Bug Bounty Program

Drone manufacturer DJI announced Monday it was launching a bug bounty program to reward researchers who find vulnerabilities in its drones. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Task Manager says multiple websites in google chrome are in use

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

"Resource In Use" Rootkit has stronghold Malware/Antivirus

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

RootKit nightmare - Virus across multiple devices

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Fraudulent Donations Lead to Disbanding of Hutchins Legal Defense Fund

A legal defense fund established to ease Marcus Hutchins’ attorney costs has been disbanded after a sizable number of fraudulent donations were discovered. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CEOs Resign from Trump’s Cybersecurity Commission

Eight members of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council resigned last week, citing insufficient attention to the growing threats to the cybersecurity by the Trump Administration. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Mobile WireX DDoS Botnet ‘Neutralized’ by Collaboration of Competitors

A large botnet of Android devices called WireX is responsible for large-scale application-layer DDoS attacks against businesses in the hospitality, porn and gambling industries. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

A week in security (August 21 – August 27)

In our blog posts, we announced the introduction of, and explained the necessity for, real-time protection for our Mac and Android users. Also explaining what you can expect them to do for you and answering the questions that we expect to be frequently asked. We looked at 4 key steps you can take within your business to help gain trust with your employees while educating them to make more secure decisions. And in our “Explained” series we talked about user agent strings and digital forensics . Below are notable news stories and security-related happenings from last week: Latest updates for Consumers Facebook makes Safety Check a permanent feature . Facebook is acting on its promise to make Safety Check a permanent feature by rolling out a dedicated Safety Check hub that helps you find any ongoing crisis without first being prompted to declare yourself as safe. Android spyware linked to Chinese SDK forces Google to boot 500 apps . More than 500 Android mobile apps have been re...

Anonymous Messaging App Sarahah to Halt Collection of User Data With Next Update

The anonymous messaging app Sarahah says it plans to remove a feature that uploads users contacts, including phone numbers and email addresses to the company’s servers, in the next update. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Mobile Menace Monday: Implications of Google Play Protect

Along with the recent release of Google’s new OS, Android 8.0 Oreo, they also released a new security suite known as Google Play Protect . As blogged about in July in Play Protect: Android’s new security system is now available , this new suite has been available since mid-May. To reiterate As noted in our July blog, the new Find My Phone does exactly what the name implies. You can also lock the phone remotely, display a message on the phone, call the phone through a browser, or even erase all the data on the phone with this feature. I personally hope this will help alleviate the use of shady monitoring apps . There is also Google’s Safe Browsing that stops you before you proceed to an unsafe site via Chrome. This feature has been around for a while. 50 billion apps, oh my! Of most interest is Google’s security suite is its new scanning capabilities. Google boasts it can scan 50 billion apps daily, and uses machine learning to weed out the bad stuff. For quite some time, Google ...

I think I'm bugged!

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Announcing Deep Visibility into Advanced Email Attacks

window 10

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

NHS Lanarkshire Apologizes After Malware Attack

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Cross Post Blogs:  Products and Solutions Background Image on Blogs "Quilted" Page:  tipp-s.jpg Publish to Facebook:  No サイバーセキュリティ上の課題は、容易に解決できるものではありません。ひとえに、あまりに複雑で規模も大きいからです。追いつ追われつの果てしないセキュリティ競争を背景に、過去 5 年から 10 年の間だけでも 100 億ドル台を軽く超える資金が費やされ、1,000 社以上の技術系スタートアップが誕生しました。ベンチャーキャピタル資金が次々とつぎ込まれ、予防、検出、インシデント対応、そして SecOps におけるイノベーションが絶えず出現しています。 シマンテックのようなサイバーセキュリティプラットフォーム企業も、イノベーションは展開しています。しかし、各社が集まった広大で創造的なコミュニティが、一丸となってサイバー犯罪に立ち向かうことにも、大きい意義があります。 こうしたエコシステム全体の協力態勢と創造性を強化するために、シマンテックは TIPP(Technology Integration Partner Program) という新しい構想を発表しました。小規模なスタートアップから歴史の長いセキュリティ会社まで、サイバー犯罪の根絶に協力していただけるサイバーセキュリティ企業を広く募っております。ご応募については、 までご連絡ください。 パートナープログラムはすでに数多く存在しますが、シマンテックはパートナーシップをめぐる技術的な側面を重視することにしました。セキュリティに変化をもたらすうえで、それが唯一最も重要な側面だからです。実質的な効果をあげるには、業界全体でデータフィードの統合を目指す、保護プラットフォームを結合する、最新の検出スイートを相互に利用する、そしてワークフローを自動化して生産性を改善することが欠かせません。シマンテックのプラットフォームに合流してくださるテクノロジー系企業が増えるほど、TIPP で得られるメリットも多くなります。技術系ベンダーの方はぜひ、同プログラムについて、 こちらをご覧...

Curious About some Virus Total Scan Results

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Chrome has major ads and popups, even on this site

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Invincible ataqkjql.sys rootkit

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Something is consuming over 150GB of bandwidth a month on my desktop

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iSkysoft Helper Compact?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Laptop accessed remotely without my knowledge?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

infected with malware from fake KM Spico

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Is my internet connection being throttled ?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iexplorer cannot be updated. FRST data posted.

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iexplorer cannot be updated and the old version seems to be vulnerable

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Can't delete files and ransomware alert

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Explained: digital forensics

What is it? Digital forensics is a modern day field of forensic science, which deals with the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices. When needed, this is often because of a (cyber) crime, whether suspected or established. The most common reasons for performing digital forensics are: attribution identifying a leak within an organization assessing the possible damage that occurred during a breach The field of digital forensics is divided up into several subdivisions, depending on the nature of the digital device that is the subject of the investigation: computer forensics network forensics forensic data analysis mobile device forensics What does it take? Working in this field combines the excitement of solving a puzzle with the data at hand and requires a deep understanding of the software and hardware involved. The most important skill is to be able to find and interpret the data involved in the crime while minimizing the changes made on the inve...


Publish to Facebook:  No 銀行がサイバー犯罪から身を守るのは、容易なことではありません。銀行を業務停止に追い込もうと躍起になっているハッカーを相手にするのは、なおのこと骨が折れます。サイバー犯罪者に勝つために、銀行にはかなり強力なセキュリティが必要です。 2012 年、スペインは深刻な経済危機に陥りました。欧州連合は、1,000 億ユーロ(1,250 億米ドル)の財政支援を決定しましたが、そのとき提示された条件のひとつは、スペインが「バッドバンク」を設立することでした。「バッドバンク」とは、不良債権を買い取り、経営難に苦しむ国内の銀行の経営立て直しを図るための銀行です。 そこでスペインが設立したのが Sareb でした。Sareb は、不動産価格の暴落によって破綻の危機に瀕していた銀行から、不良不動産と不良融資を買い取るというミッションに乗り出します。Sareb はほぼ 20 万件、総額 540 億米ドル相当の資産を買い取りました。次の段階は、優先順位を付けて資産を選別し、救済可能な資産を市場に戻すことです。 これでもう大丈夫、とはいきませんでした。スペイン市民の一部が、経営難に陥っている銀行の緊急援助を非難し始めたからです。そして、標的の出現を常に待ち構えているハッカーも、Sareb に狙いを定めます。大がかりなゼロデイ攻撃や、CryptoLocker を使ったランサムウェア攻撃がしかけられました。「Sareb Go」という悪質なアプリ(「Pokemon Go」にちなんだ名前です)まで作られ、ハッカーたちは無理矢理 Sareb の資産を奪い取ろうとしました。 Sareb にはセキュリティの防備がほとんどなく、ファイアウォールも、データ漏えい防止も、脅威対策もありませんでした。強力なセキュリティインフラストラクチャが必要です。しかも、資産の弁済スケジュールが厳格である以上、整備は急務でした。 Sareb は、すかさず上層部で意思決定を下し、シマンテックと、実装パートナーである Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE)を頼ります。両社によって、エンドポイントとメールゲートウェイの万全なソリューションが配備されました。 これでミッション完了です。Sareb は、疑わしい事象があれば調査・解明で...

Endpoint Protection .Cloud: オンプレミス Active Directory から複数のユーザーを追加

PowerShell の便利な応用サンプルをご紹介します。 Background Image on Blogs "Quilted" Page:  iStock-508836384.jpg Publish to Facebook:  No ご存じのように、先日、ユーザー登録の際にユーザーの CSV または XLSX ファイルを Endpoint Cloud にインポートする機能が追加されました。 それに伴って、オンプレミス AD(Active Directory)の管理者には、そのファイルを作成する義務が発生しています。そこで筆者は、AD ユーザーを CSV ファイルに出力できる Powershell スクリプトがないかどうか調べ、ちょうどいいサンプルを見つけました。 もちろん、パス(2 カ所)、ターゲットサーバー、データ取得元の OU は書き換えが必要です (OU は組み込みの "Users" を使うの、OU= ではなく CN= を使ってください)。 また、取得するフィールドとその名前も変更する必要があります。筆者の場合、各フィールドは次のとおりです。 $AllADUsers | Select-Object @{Label = "Email";Expression = {$_.Mail}}, @{Label = "FirstName";Expression = {$_.GivenName}}, @{Label = "LastName";Expression = {$_.Surname}}, @{Label = "Phone";Expression = {$_.telephoneNumber}}| ここから、ポータルでダウンロードした CSV ファイルに、必要なユーザーをコピーして貼り付け、インポートすれば完了です。 【参考訳】 from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

e-mail malware - bad

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

"a website is slowing down your browser...

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Curious About some Virus Total Scan Results

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Chrome has major ads and popups, even on this site

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Invincible ataqkjql.sys rootkit

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Something is consuming over 150GB of bandwidth a month on my desktop

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iSkysoft Helper Compact?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Race is On To Notify Owners After Public List of IoT Device Credentials Published

A list of device IPs and credentials has gone viral since Thursday, kicking off an effort by researchers to notify the owners of these connected devices before they're hacked. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Laptop accessed remotely without my knowledge?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

infected with malware from fake KM Spico

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Is my internet connection being throttled ?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iexplorer cannot be updated. FRST data posted.

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iexplorer cannot be updated and the old version seems to be vulnerable

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Can't delete files and ransomware alert

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Defray Ransomware Seen Targeting Education, Healthcare Industry

Defray, a new, although small strain of ransomware, was spotted by researchers targeting comapnies in the education and healthcare verticals. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Threatpost News Wrap, August 25, 2017

The news of the week is discussed, including the AWS S3 leaks, Zerodium's bounty on messaging app zero days, Ropemaker, and cobot vulnerabilities. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Hosted in Amazon S3 Bucket

Attackers are using an exploit kit to spread the Zminer executable that downloads a cryptocurrency miner hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Security Lacking in Previous AppleAVEDriver iOS Kernel Extension

An obscure Apple kernel extension patched in iOS 10.3.3 was originally built without security measures in place, according to the researcher who privately disclosed the flaws. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

e-mail malware - bad

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

"a website is slowing down your browser...

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Curious About some Virus Total Scan Results

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Chrome has major ads and popups, even on this site

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Invincible ataqkjql.sys rootkit

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Something is consuming over 150GB of bandwidth a month on my desktop

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iSkysoft Helper Compact?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Crystal Finance Millennium Used To Spread Malware

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Chinese Man Charged Over US Hack Attacks

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CIA Created Bogus Software Upgrade To Steal Data From NSA, FBI

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Uncle Sam Outlines Evidence Against Hutchins

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

モバイルマルウェア工場: ランサムウェアを作成できる Android アプリが出現

今や、モバイルランサムウェアはプログラムを 1 行も書かずに自動的に作成できるようになりました。 Read More from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


手机勒索软件现可自动生成,无需编写代码。 Read More from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

エンドポイントセキュリティソリューションの選定で、重視したい 5 つの特長

エンドポイントセキュリティへの多層的なアプローチ Cross Post Blogs:  Thought Leadership Background Image on Blogs "Quilted" Page:  Tunnel Data.jpg Publish to Facebook:  No 昨年 1 年間だけでも、マルウェアの新しい亜種は 1 日 100 万種以上も発見され、ランサムウェアのファミリーも 3 倍に増えました( 「2017 年インターネットセキュリティ脅威レポート、ISTR22」 による)。ランサムウェアに伴う支払い金額の平均は昨年比 266% と急増し、1,077 ドルに達しています。こうした厳しいデータを見るだけでも、セキュリティの専門家が毎日のように直面している困難の大きさが察せられます。複雑なネットワークと、変異し続ける無数の外的な脅威から生じるセキュリティ需要に対応するには、適切なエンドポイントセキュリティソリューションの導入が不可欠です。 最近の ブログ で、Gartner の Avivah Litan 氏は、顧客にこう提案しています。「アプリケーションのホワイトリストおよびブラックリストや、たいていの EPP(エンドポイント保護)プラットフォームに組み込まれているコントロールなど、多層的なエンドポイントセキュリティのアプローチを用いるべきである」 まさに、我が意を得たりの提案でした。企業は、急速に変化するセキュリティ環境への対処を前提として、保護・検出・対応までのサイクルを網羅した保護を実現する、万全のエンドポイントセキリティを必要としています。運用する保護の機能に限界があれば、その結果は火を見るより明らかです。 昨今のひときわ深刻な脅威から組織を確実に保護していただくために、万全のエンドポイントセキュリティに欠かせない一連の特長を紹介しましょう。 1. 攻撃チェーンの全体をカバーする総合的なセキュリティ 感染は、ネットワーク侵害につながる大きいチェーンのなかで 1 つのリンクにすぎません。最高のエンドポイントセキュリティシステムは、実績のある技術と新世代の技術を融合して、場所や経緯にかかわらず脅威を防ぎます。これまでより包括的なアプローチをとって初...

Strong Validation for Symantec ATP in Multiple Independent Assessments

Mobile malware factories: Android apps for creating ransomware

Mobile ransomware can now be created automatically without the need to write code. Read More from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Race is On To Notify Owners After Public List of IoT Device Credentials Published

A list of device IPs and credentials has gone viral since Thursday, kicking off an effort by researchers to notify the owners of these connected devices before they're hacked. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Laptop accessed remotely without my knowledge?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

infected with malware from fake KM Spico

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Is my internet connection being throttled ?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Avast is proven to keep phishing scams at bay

Here’s the crazy truth about phishing scams: if you have an email address, you’ve already been targeted. Phishing scams are so prevalent these days that Avast has been focusing on educating users how to identify and avoid them. But what if you accidentally click on the phishing link sent to you? There’s still a way to protect yourself. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iexplorer cannot be updated. FRST data posted.

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

iexplorer cannot be updated and the old version seems to be vulnerable

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Can't delete files and ransomware alert

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Explained: digital forensics

What is it? Digital forensics is a modern day field of forensic science, which deals with the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices. When needed, this is often because of a (cyber) crime, whether suspected or established. The most common reasons for performing digital forensics are: attribution identifying a leak within an organization assessing the possible damage that occurred during a breach The field of digital forensics is divided up into several subdivisions, depending on the nature of the digital device that is the subject of the investigation: computer forensics network forensics forensic data analysis mobile device forensics What does it take? Working in this field combines the excitement of solving a puzzle with the data at hand and requires a deep understanding of the software and hardware involved. The most important skill is to be able to find and interpret the data involved in the crime while minimizing the changes made on the inve...

Introducing myself - Powermet virus

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Virus wont allow me to open Anti Virus

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

IMAP email hacked?

from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Avast Arms MSPs For a Security-First Future

Cybersecurity is a critical priority for small and medium businesses (SMBs) and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Just last year, cybercrime cost the global economy more than $450 billion, and that number is expected to rise into the trillions within the next five years. More than half of all SMBs were victims of a cyberattack within the last twelve months. These attacks are so egregious that 60% of those targeted typically go out of business within six months of an attack. from ransomware-malware-blade via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Solution Corner: Malwarebytes for Android

People have become increasingly reliant on their mobile devices in recent years. Smartphones and tablets have revolutionized daily life. Unfortunately, such rapid growth has also attracted criminals, bringing Android up to par with Windows in terms of infection rates. Android threat landscape A rapidly increasing group of threats on Android devices are so-called screen lockers, a form of ransomware that attempts to hold your device hostage by locking the screen with a ransom message and making it unusable. Android ransomware rose by nearly 140% globally from Q1 to Q2 of this year alone. Trojan malware is also on the rise, increasing by 10% in that same timeframe, with many of the threats in this category being banking Trojans. Such malware poses a significant risk, allowing attackers to potentially clean out an unfortunate victim’s bank account. Potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) are also a growing threat, accounting for nearly half of all Android threat detections in the first h...

Solution Corner: Malwarebytes for Mac

Mac users have been told for years: Macs don’t get viruses. Even Apple said so , in their famous Get a Mac ads that aired a decade ago. Wow, that’s so cool! It’s good to know we’re all safe. Now, on a different topic, can you tell me why Safari is going to a Russian search engine instead of Google? And I keep getting pop-ups telling me to “clean your Mac from junk!” Mac threat landscape Unfortunately, this old “wisdom” has never been true. There has almost always been malware for the Mac. The first widespread virus was the Elk Cloner virus, which actually infected the Apple II, prior to any PC malware. Some of the earliest malware affected the first Macs in the mid-1980s. The switch to a completely new architecture in Mac OS X, in 2001, killed all the old “Classic” Mac malware, but it didn’t take long for more to start appearing, starting with the MW2004 trojan a few years later. The only reason the myth that Macs can’t get infected with malware has persisted is t...