ECI Telecom Secures Microsoft Exchange Online

with Symantec Data Loss Prevention Cloud Service for Email
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ECI Telecom is a global provider of Elastic Network™ solutions to cloud service providers, utilities, strategic industries, and data center operators. Our solution portfolio includes carrier-class packet-optical transport systems, SDN/NFV applications, end-to-end network management, a comprehensive cyber security solution, and expert professional services.

In 2011, soon after the initial release of Microsoft® Office 365®, we at ECI Telecom began planning to eventually transition some of our core services to the cloud, including our Exchange® Online email system. Our reasons were twofold: As a developer of cloud-enabling technologies, we are committed to growing the cloud economy, and cloud offers simpler, more efficient service delivery for a globally distributed workforce like ours. I truly believe that the whole world will move to the cloud eventually; it's only a matter of time.

There was one major obstacle, though, in our transition. We weren't willing to give up the data visibility and security we had with our on-premises deployment of Symantec™ Data Loss Prevention. We've used this technology with every release of Exchange from 2010 to 2016. It has allowed us to see deeply into our traffic—to detect and remediate data policy issues in real time, before they could become data leaks.

But in 2011, there was no cloud-based alternative that offered as much visibility and security as Data Loss Prevention running onsite. When we tested Exchange in the cloud, there were gaps where we couldn't see the traffic, understand the movement, or protect the data.

That changed when Symantec began testing Data Loss Prevention Cloud Service for Email, with a new cloud-based detection service based on its industry-leading* on-premises software. The new service can catch sensitive data employees send in email from Exchange Online or Gmail with high-accuracy content-detection technology that minimizes false positives. It automatically alerts employees to security policy violations through email notifications and can help block noncompliant messages or redirect them to an encryption service for secure delivery.

Data Loss Prevention Cloud Service for Email integrates out of the box with Symantec Email Safeguard, an effective email security service that provides antimalware, antispam, data protection, and policy-based encryption capabilities with the convenience and simplicity of a fully hosted service. ECI became one of the first beta testers and the first full production customer.

As soon as we implemented this service, it was like having our eyes fully opened. We could understand what was happening from the inside to the outside, protect our data, and prevent leaks. It was also one of the simplest implementations I've ever performed. We only had to define one connector on the Symantec side and one on the Microsoft side, and we were able to reuse all our existing policies.

Today, we protect more than 2,000 Exchange Online users with Symantec Data Loss Prevention Cloud Service for Email. It gives us the visibility we need to understand our risks and manage them effectively. If you're considering a mail service in the cloud—and you should—you should also consider a data loss prevention service like this one.

Read more about ECI Telecom’s deployment of Symantec Advanced Threat Protection here.


*The Forrester Wave™: Data Loss Prevention Suites, Q4 2016,

from ransomware-malware-blade
via Specialisti Securitate IT in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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