Ransomware has been called the scourge of the Internet for quite a while. It’s really one of the twenty-first century’s main cyberthreats, and recently it has taken … quite a turn. Researchers from MalwareHunterTeam have discovered a new strain of ransomware , called nRansom, that blocks victims’ computers, but instead of requiring money to unlock the computer, it demands nude photos. This ransomware seems to be not a cryptor, but rather a blocker , which means that in case of infection it doesn’t encrypt your files, but simply blocks access to your computer. The ransom note that appears on the screen informs victims that the only way to get back access to their computers is to send the aforementioned pictures: ten of them, nude, and demonstrably of the victims. They state that they will somehow verify those nudes really belong to the victim before sending the code that unlocks the computer. Not sure about this… 🤔 Sample: https://t.co/EOth6eUZOy @BleepinComputer @demonslay335...